Friday, September 25, 2009

thank god for Ambien...

Slept through most of the night despite a GIANT thunderstorm that shook the hospital and I am thanking the doctor that discovered Ambien. The surgery today was swirled throughout my dreams and I woke up at 6:30 thinking of all the changes that have come so quickly. At 7, my phone beeped and it was Tony texting me (that was a first!) telling me he wanted me to bring a razor today and he was excited as he just walked around the ICU with his nurse Mike this morning. My spirit was immediately lifted and the thought of my baby out of bed made my heart soar with excitement.
Throughout this whole week, I have failed to mention Scott Frazer. In my heart, I know that if Scott had not been camping with us, Tony would maybe not have made it. With his strength and calm, he not only loaded Tony into his truck, calmed and spoke with me, but drove like a bat out of hell (in a safe way of course)to meet the ambulance. Scott was a rock in a time that I was really like wild-eyed rabbit running back in forth not knowing what to do. I will always remember that night and the horror of it all, but also I will remember his calm and strength from that night...thank you so much Scott for saving Tonys life.....
I am so looking forward to this surgery being over and hopefully getting a better idea of the infection in Tonys arm. Bree will be driving up today which I am so looking forward to...having her at home taking care of EVERYTHING has been fantastic, but as I am sure you all know, we are so often together that it feels as though a part of me has been missing. I cannot wait to collapse in her arms and cry my heart out. It seems as though there is only so much crying you can do with family and then you see a friend and it all surges up all over again. She is taking me to get a massage tomorrow which I am just so elated by and has promised a few glasses of wine and some trashy magazine reading. Those of you that know me well would be shocked that the wine consumption has been zero and there has not been any medicinal boozing this week. I am going to go try my hand at sneaking in ICU again this morning. I just pretend the rules don't apply to me and I hope for the best! Good thoughts to Tony this afternoon to have a good surgery....


  1. You are so funny. A good blog writer and have quite the following! :)
    I am glad you are on it as I think my methodical statistics aren't quite as interesting.
    Lots of love T and I am on my way!!!

  2. Matt E here...thanks for all the updates. The things you wrote about constantly talking to the prosthesis guy don't surprise me at all, I remember the first thing I thought to myself when I heard about this was nothing is going to stop Tony from doing the things that he loves to do, not even losing a hand. He has way too much heart, strength, and passion for that.

    I hope surgery goes well today. I'll be thinking about you guys.


  3. Tina- you are bringing tears to my eyes when I was pretty sure i was dry... you and Tony are so lucky to have each other... Enjoy your time with Bree- Mama got to take care of Mama! Much love, Sloane

  4. Go Tony Go!!
    And yay for Bree for bringing you some much needed and deserved love, wine, massage and trash.
    You are an awesome writer, T. XO
