Thursday, September 24, 2009

The mornings are the toughest.

I woke up every hour last night and the would check my phone just to make sure something didn't happen. Each time you hear a siren go by, your heart pounds and I would wait for quick footsteps to be coming towards my door so I could be ready to hear news that something awful has happened in the middle of the night and I need to be strong.
Thank god this never did happen and each time I woke I fell back asleep. Finally by 7 am, I can't stand it another second and get up to make coffee. This is now when I have to wait until 10 am to see him so the seconds tick by excrutiatingly slow.
Today should be a good day as there are no surgeries scheduled for today so we can just relax and start working on dealing with some insurance issues. His sister Jenny and her family will be coming in today and I think that will be good for Tony to see her.
What we are hoping for today is the doctor to come and take a look at the situation, tell us it looks good, re-wrap it and prep it for surgery tomorrow. What we are hoping for then is for them to open up the cut, wash it out, finally close the amputation and say, "Guess what? You can start healing and we will move you out of ICU...." That would be the best as then I can stay with baby all night long..
I am sure this is getting real, real boring for you guys to read, but it helps me move through my days and move forward. Thank you again for all your support and love.


  1. Thanks for being so honest and open Tina. I know the first thing I did was to run to the computer to see how things were going. Tony was on my mind through the night as well. Although it may not always be good news it makes all of us who care for you guys feel a little closer.

  2. Hi Tina - please do not think you are boring us - I check this blog all day long hoping there is an update from you. Is is very comforting to hear from you, so thank you for keeping us updated. It doesn't surprise me but, I am amazed by you both again.
    Love, Alison

  3. Just got the sad news. Sounds like you're hanging in there. It's been awhile but we're thinking of you all.

    The Hobart Family
    -Robin Susan Haven and Gage

  4. Tina, the first thing I did this morning was check this blog to make sure Tony and you are OK, we are relying on your posts as much as you are on writing them, thank you, hope you guys are doing alright, we're all praying for your strength and quick healing.

  5. Thank you to all of you...just seems strange to blog, but also seems to really help me quite a bit.

  6. I just got word of the tragic accident. I hope this finds you on the upswing with a stream of good news coming in, pushing aside those obstacles that have seemed to be presenting themselves as the days clip by. I am temporarily out of Durango and teaching on the REZ in Northern Az. If there is anything that I can help you out with among the others in your support crew let me know. I can only imagine your questions about mountain biking. I'm sure that after your healing process you will find a way to hammer harder than ever. Stay strong up there, you are in my thoughts. Take care

  7. T you are keeping those of us who cannot be near you two informed and if it is a comfort to you then blog away. We appreciate you taking the time to update all of us. Love to you both and know that we are all thinking of and praying for Tony.
    Nicole Peterson

  8. Tony Bro we all got our eyes on you and we are sending you all the good vibes the East Coast has.


  9. T & T- Everyone here at the store is keeping up with the news hourly, so please blog away. We certainly miss you here Tony, but we are gettin' 'er done! Just don't lose all that work info you have filed away in your head- we'll be needing it. Rest up and have a good day. We're with you guys. Just don't think this means I'm going any easier on you Mtn biking! Sending love and positive mojo your way.......

  10. No need to apologize Tina. We all are very concerned and probably feeling very helpless as we sit by our computers waiting for the next blog. But know that our love for you both is finding its path to you.

  11. I do not know you guys at all, but I want you to know that people care. I have been following your progress on a daily basis and keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I get a sense of your strength and I know that you will make it through this. I know of a man that lost his arm and still competes in off road motorcycle racing,he is an inspiration, as I am sure you shall be! Sounds like you are forged from the same stuff....
    Blessings sent.

  12. Tina,
    I'm Tony's aunt and godmother in Seattle. I know we haven't met but I just want you to know Tony has been in my heart every moment since I heard the news yesterday. I really appreciate the updates and, as others have said, it helps me stay connected to him.
    Tony, you are one of the sweetest people I know. I know this officially makes me a sentimental old fool but I still see that sweet and gentle child whenever I think of you.;)
    Its more than a bit inconceivable to me that such a tragedy has occurred to someone as special as you but I can see from the posts that you have a lot of support and help to get back on your feet, kicking butt again out on the trails and rivers. If anyone can kick this tragedy forward, together with the love of your family and friends, the two of you will.
    I love you and
    God Bless you both,
    Karen Miely (Seattle)

  13. T! I am so glad you are putting all this into words to share with your community, and I know from experience that it helps you as much as it helps all of us who are constantly checking up on Mr. Loc. Thank you. You are doing an amazing job of being strong and present and open to this all and Tony is so damn lucky to have you by his side. Please give him a big, sloppy sisterly kiss for me, and please know Ian and are so totally available for any and everything needed, at any time. Tony gave us the biggest gift anyone has or ever will give us when he put on that benefit for Liam and we are forever grateful and indebted (in the best of ways) to him and you. Much much love, Melly and Ian and Liam Nash

  14. Tina:
    Don't think we are bored - now that I've found you both - I'll be checking everyday!
    You continue to be in our prayers.
    Diane and Neil Swan

  15. Tina - do what is right for you & Tony. Given that the blogging help - writing often does - go for it.

    As you can tell your friends and family care very deeply and are tracking progress. I am the opposite of bored.

    If there comes a time when writing / blogging isn't the right thing anymore then sign off or take a break unaplogetically.

    I only want what is best for your guys. You are in my thoughts every day.

  16. Hey T&T,

    I'm not sure if you recieved my last note, but I want you to know that Kristen and I are sending you our love and prayers. I found this today while doing some internet research. You may have already seen this, but I thought I would send it anyway. You both are in our thoughts daily, and like so many others we will be following Tony's progress through your please keep them coming. - Peace and love, Andy and Kristen
