Thursday, October 1, 2009

take in some art at the museum? I don't think so.....

Each day when I get up, I think, today is the day my mom and I are going to walk to the Denver Art Museum. We are only blocks away after all and I when do I get to go to art museums? This morning was no different as I said the same thing to myself and proceeded to text my mom a time to meet for our rendezvous. After wandering down the cafeteria in Tonys pajama pants (they keep bringing them to the room every morning even though his leg is so wrapped up he can't even think of pulling a pant over it) and an old tshirt to get coffee, Tony and I did our wander around the hospital and then he sat down for a nap. Sherry and I met up and even still at this point, I was pretending that I was interested in the museum and all the artwork it contained. As we strolled the few blocks from the hospital, I was amazed at the change in the air temperature. Yesterday was hot with the sun beating down and I was wearing shorts (yes, Bree had sent up my gym bag in which my mother washed everything in it and thus I am wearing weird gym clothes for everyday wear). Today the air was sharp with the crisp taste of fall as the leaves whirled around my feet. As we walked up to the entrance, I looked at my mom and said, "Want to skip the museum and go wander around the Gap?" . This is a sad but true statement as I realized if I indeed went into the Denver Museum of Art to take in some "culture", I would be honestly changing one clean sterile building for another. I realized at this moment that I really didn't want to be inside no matter what artwork it contained. Sherry and I then wandered down to 16th St. area to the Gap with the pretense of finding Tony some sweat-pant type of thing in case he actually he is released from the hospital tomorrow. His doctor reminded up that he will not be able to wear jeans for quite some time and he needed something that was easy to pull over all the bandages on his leg. With my shopping stealth, I was able to find some sweet looking loungewear in the deep discount area for $14. This was a find indeed as all he has here in Devnver is what Bree packed him at 2:30 in the morning with our Aunt Nancy the night of that accident (they were smart enough to pack in some underpants and a snap front shirt in lieu of a bottom front. Smart girls!!) and the pair of Carharrts he was wearing at the time of the accident. I felt at this point I really accomplished something and was famished. We wandered over to the Brown Palace and ate some hot soup for lunch.
Well, have to run as Tony just woke up has to potty so off to take care of my baby. Thank you to everyone everyone for everthing they have done for us. The love keeps coming our way and we would certainly like everyone to keep in mind our friends Tammy and Justin Osborn. They have two young childred and just found out she has breast cancer. Please keep them both in your thoughts hearts as it will be a long recovery for them as well.....


  1. ok time for you to get your butts home....i miss you both. unc-tony Knox can not wait to see your new hand and said he thinks you are soooo lucky that you get a hand like the one on ilimb.he wants you to show him how to use it.... kids make everything ok....he calls it your robot hand....funny how kids make us think just how positive things can be....they asked us how to pray for you and we told them to just send out good thoughts...they want to sled with you this winter...i hope we can make that happen....guuuuuud miss you unc-tone and t...aaaa....Qball

  2. As I am trying to focus on getting ready to leave you both tomorrow, I struggle. Witnessing both of you, whom I dearly love, rise to the occasion of successfully facing the challenges you've been presented, is almost beyond my belief. But not really....knowing you and the love you share, anything is possible and will be possible. Ups and downs will occur, but you will end on top, jumping into, and enjoying life to its fullest, once again. I love you Tony and Tina, and will only be a phone call away. Mom
