Friday, October 16, 2009

Custom Snuggie for Tony

So it seems as though Tony has plenty of lady friends who either dress up in high school cheerleading outfits or make him custom Snuggies'. His girlfriend Missy dropped this by my office this morning and Bree snapped a quick picture of her modeling it for everyone to see. Tony is doing well but seems to tire easily and nighttime is always harder than days. Today his friend Jimbo came up to visit this afternoon and I think they went out for a short walk and then into town for a minute which is very exciting for sure. Each small outing will take it out of him, but that means the healing is happening and that we love. Life is moving on and I am back at work now for full days which feels fantastic and really makes life start to feel like it is getting back to normal. Love to you all....


  1. Hmmmm, and I thought you were out on a 'bike ride'...signed Missy Snuggy's 'husband'

  2. She says she is on a bike ride a lot. . .hmmm is right. Tony is a bad ass.

  3. That post from Sean just made me laugh real hard!
