Friday, October 9, 2009

bandage change day.

I hate bandage change day. Not as much as surgery days, but pretty close I would say. Tony has asked Heather to come up and change bandages with Patti so for the next few weeks she will be able to help Tony and I with it which is just so fantastic. As it showed me this morning, people don't really understand the situation and how intense and real it is until they will be able to see what is left of Tonys arm. These days bring up so much emotion and just when you feel like life is getting better and better, you remove the bandage and you are faced with the reality of the whole situation and your feelings well up in your heart and the crying starts. Sometimes I feel fine and that this is just our situation now and other times it just is so overwhelming and hard. Sometimes there is so much anger and hurt and it seems so hard that other peoples lives move on so quickly while ours is in such limbo. Todays post doesn't feel funny or witty and I just don't have it inside today for anyone. This just sometimes sucks and it hurts.


  1. Lucky ME!! That was how I was feeling when Tony asked me to help with the staple/suture removal. I arrived at the Miely house this am in my cheerleading uniform from the 11th grade and proceded to sing the song from Ferris Bueller's Day Off, "I heard that you were feeling ill..." We were off to a good start. I was SO F*&%ING happy to see T&T!! Let me just say, they both look amazing! Patti and I were quite the team...we started with the staples and proceded to change the arm bandage. It's funny, I felt so strong and so FLATTERED that Tony was comfortable enough to ask for my help. I left so happy, and excited to see them, not to mention get to contribute to Tony's care.....UNTIL I got to yoga. For any of you who do yoga, you'll know that emotions can be stirred, and boy were they. Reality hit. It hit HARD.
    I had one little peak into what T&T have been dealing with, and I still can't wrap my mind around it. I couldn't wait to get out of yoga (RARE!) so I could let it out. I won't go on and on...let me just say, Tony is the STRONGEST, most POSITIVE man, and I am commited to doing whatever it takes to help them both on their road to recovery.

    All my love

  2. Stay strong & stay positive. We will all be here to help you! We love you, The Chiappinis

  3. Your posting is real and sadly times will be experienced with harse emotions that you both will GO THROUGH. However, with your love and strength, you will eventually get through the really tough moments; and you both have lots of love and support surrounding you always (maybe not physically present, but present nevertheless!) Love, Mom

  4. T & T: No one deserves the cards they are dealt sometimes - but you together can move on from this. Life sucks and never is quite fair, but you have each other, are alive, for the most part healthy AND HEALING! Consider yourselves BLESSED. I keep you in my prayers everyday and I know that the strength to overcome it all will be there.
