Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Just the other day I woke up and realized the holidays were not just looming upon us, but are actually here. It feel as though it was just the other day that I was walking back and forth from the hospital to my hotel every day and before I knew it, I was dragging Christmas decorations out of my attic and laying them out for review. With our attic being the size of a bowling alley, it seems as though there are more and more boxes filled with "treasures" each year. The stair case is a pull down situation and is a treacherous feat even with two hands and a fully healed body. As I thought about pulling the staircase down and was calling to Tony, I realized how difficult this years holiday chores would be. Usually, Tony goes up and kind of hands the boxes down to me, and I grab them and hope to safely land them on the ground. This year it was going to be a bit different and I wasn't looking forward it. I climbed the wobbly staircase and ventured to hand down the first box....Tony reached up with his one hand and balanced the box filled with matted looking garland and eased the mildewy smelling box to the ground. We proceeded this way for some time until we both took at look at the 9 ft. tree still in its box with sale pricetags from the previous year clinging to its dusty sides. We kind of looked at one another and at the same moment said, "Maybe we can wait until Bree comes over to help with this one."

We both realized that things that we used to take for granted are not quite gone, but are certainly different in the way that they are handled. Your perspective on things is altered and life shifts in different directions. People you would have thought to be right by your side are not and ones that you never suspected cared so much have lent more than a shoulder to cry on. For the most part, we both feel fortunate for not only our such dear close friends and family, but that the hand we were dealt (wait...guess I can't use that one anymore can I? I just made myself chuckle a bit....) was not more of a severe blow to our life. With happiness for one another in our hearts, we look forward to each new crossroad as an adventure in our lives together whatever hand we are dealt....(I couldn't resist that!)


  1. Honey. You guys can have my shoulder, my arm, whatever you need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm just so happy that you are proceeding with your normal Holiday Plan - even in such a NOT normal situation. It is heart warming to read all the love that is packed between the lines of your messages. Life throws us many curve balls and we find many bumps in the road - some folks look at them as obstacles - others - like you two - use them as stepping stones. Love and prayers still flow your way every day. Hope you can feel it!
    Jan & D9er
