Monday, September 28, 2009

Out of surgery and ready to do some snackin'....

The relief of seeing my husband being wheeled back to his room is just about as good a feeling as getting off a roller coaster. Your heart is pounding and the giddy feeling you get is unparalled to anything else. All of us in the waiting room listen and hold our breath as you see the handsome doctor coming through the doors to tell you your husband/son is alive and breathing in post-op. After the doctor tells us all is ok we furiously pick up our cell phones to text all the loved ones to tell them the good news. This is when you breath deep and know that someone is looking after you from somewhere else.
At this point, the surgery went well and although his arm is a bit traumatized, they have closed up the wounds and the doctor will check on it Friday. At that point if all goes well, we can head to a hotel and then check in with the doctor. The wound is closed and the infection is under control so keep thinking positive thoughts. Ken and Patti are out buying Tony all kinds of snacks as he hasn't been able to eat in 24 hours so he is starving. Missy, Tony is very excited for the Snuggly and I can see that I will trying to take that over really quick! Who doesn't want a blankey that is really a house coat?! I do! I do!


  1. Wow, a whole string of good news posts. That is great and exciting.

  2. Wonderful news Tina! Another big step forward!

  3. Hi T, As Chris said wonderful news and a big step forward. All the best to you and Tony in this difficult process. You are in our thoughts and proyers. Frank and Pam

  4. Tina & Tony,

    So sorry that your strength is being tested in such a way right now. It's great to hear that he's progressively getting closer to his healing process. Our thoughts are with you!

    Sherin & Damian

  5. First of all, it's a "Snuggie," also known as a "swanket." I hope he likes maroon. Where should I send it?

  6. Oh Missy! Keep it at home as we are hopefully coming back to Durango by next week...Monday or are so is a Snuggie.
