Wednesday, September 30, 2009

surgery and recovery of Tony Miely...

So that is name of the blog and I believe we are in the recovering stage of things. Today, I wheeled Tony out of the hospital into the sunshine and I could feel his spirit and soul soar as the sun hit his face (hmm..sounds real hippie I know). It is funny what happens when you have been inside for 12 days and you are "an outdoorsy" kind of guy. Your skin looks pale, your eyes lose their luster and you become immune to the recycled air. As we loaded Tony up into the super sweet wheelchair his cute daytime nurse scrounged up for him, I was nervous as I have never been the driver on a wheelchair. I bullied my way into the elevator and pushing dirty faced children into the corner and almost smashed Tonys bandaged foot (yes, it appears as though there was some kind of accident with his foot, but it was the skin grafts and vein transplant that caused such a wrapped up leg) into the wall. As I navigated my way through the hospital entrance and the sunshine hit us, I could feel Tony's happiness brim up. We tooled around the hospital grounds (many of you saw the picture on Facebook where it really and honestly looked like I was pushing him down a hill with a giant smile on his face) and took a few pictures then stopped to just enjoy the sun and wind on our faces.
Ashley from the shop walked up then with two of her friends which was so good for Tony to see and we visited with them for a bit before heading upstairs for fantastic shave and clean sheets. We miss everyone so much and really can't wait to head home to Durango where we are welcomed with open arms and the recovery really begins.

An article in "Paddling Life" about Tony!!
This is a link to an article about Tony is Paddling much more loved can we get! Thank you to all of you!!

the lights go off and on all night with nurese coming in...

Last night we both seemed to have slept somewhat decently. I drifted off the Seinfeld with my neck crooked so I can see Tony from my weird bed on the floor and he was awake until they could change all his IV cords at about 12:30. Why they chose to wait that long and wake him up, I have no idea, but there are many things that happen here that I just don't know why they happen the way they do. The staff seems to come in each and every hour (as per their job of course) and the way they are speaking sounds like some kind of dream language that is only deciphered in the dark.
Each morning when I wake up, my body feels sore as if I worked out or lifted the day before (I actually just sort of laughed at the thought of being able to do that...) but I know it is just all the emotions that are coursing through my body making themselves known. Bree made me feel better when she was here as she told me-
"You could be really working out hard and watching everything you eat and MAYBE you would be two pounds lighter. Now do you think that is worth it or should we just go ahead and watch some Seinfeld with Tony?" Not these exact words of course, but I realized that she is right. Every other day in my life is filled with exercise and it is OK to just take a couple weeks and not freak out about it. Good grief the things we put ourselves through when they don't really matter at all.
The emotions we are both feeling is really like a roller coaster. One minute I feel so fine that he is only missing a hand and god, that really isn't a big deal....and then next second a lump forms in my throat and I realized I haven't cried in at least two days. Well, there is went. The tears just started as I sit here in the cafeteria (which I am secretly always wanting to eat all the snacks that surrounding me but have to feel happy with a cup of coffee). No one seems to notice a crying girl in a corner both and that is just the way I want it right now.
Ok ok, enough of that. Time to pull it together and face the day with strength in me heart and fearlessness in my soul. Well, really it is time to find a place to get my hair cut here as Bree has been cutting it for some time and thought that maybe I should try and pretty up a bit for Tone!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

it is so hot in this "tropical healing" room....

Breathe deep and try to keep positive. This is all I can do right now. It is funny, the past week all I have been concerned about is my husband living and breathing. Now that part is over, it is on the next healing step which is actually thinking about him doing everyday stuff without his hand. This proved harder for me last night than I thought...not because of the loss of hand, but how much pain he will go through accepting this as a new way of life. I thought of all the things you need that hand for and those thoughts weighed so heavy on my heart I could barely stand it. Yet I have to try and keep it strong and focused on all the good things like it really is just a hand and after six months, he will be so used to it, it will be second nature. But I know until that time comes we have such a long road of anger, frustration, sadness and loss. Each day will bring a new challenge for my husband in ways I never thought about but I know with our strength together we can get through it. I think the first days home (and without bandages on...) will be the hardest because here in Denver, we are still not facing real life. We are sheltered from everyday tasks and have minimal contact with the outside world.
Each day when you walk around the hospital whether it is ambling to the cafeteria at 7 am to get coffee or midnight to just have a walkabout, you see so many people that are in such worse conditions and families whose hearts are broken into a million pieces on the waiting room floor. You stroll by on your way to get a cup of ice and hear snippets of conversation:
"will be brain dead for life"
"has full facial mobility but will never be able to move"
"is undetermined whether she will ever wake up"
and you are immediately thanking a higher power that that particular doctor is not yours. You actually have a hot German doctor who has told you your husband will fully recover, just not with a hand. You then wander back to the hospital room filled with loved ones and support and realize watching The Biggest Loser all night on TV with your husband is just the night you have been looking forward to all along.
Sitting in our Marriot room for the past eleven days just accross from the hospital where Tony has gone thru five surgeries in ten days. His beautiful strength and courage has shone in every challenge he has faced in life and especially these past eleven days. Tina at his side offering her love and attention evey moment since his accident. His friend Luke spending days supporting Tony and Tina and offering hugs to family has been a true blessing to all. Other friends stopping by for a visit or two to offer their strength and support. Jennifer giving great massages and exercises and Holly giving hugs to Tina and sharing tears with her brother. All of his friends and family have been so strong throughout only wishing and praying for Tony's recovery. Now, Tony can hopefully move forward as he may have just endured his last surgery if all goes well. The doctor will be checking daily to insure the infection is under control and healing is occurring without any more complications.
With Tony's incredible sense of humor and great spirit, he continues to work on his current challenge, overcoming his injury. When he was in grade school they voted him "Most Likely To Become Indiana Jones" and we always wondered exactly what that meant. Well as Tony grew into a man, we realized that he is an Indiana Jones sometimes defying what we deemed impossible. It is this courage that we are now seeing every moment.
Thank you for all of your love, prayers, support, visits and everything that has given Tony and Tina and his family strength. The overwhelming response has been so touching to all. As his parents, it has been our most difficult challenge to watch our son suffer so much, but he always gives us a faint smile and loving kiss to assue us he is and will be OK. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Ken & Patti Miely

Don't Call it a Comeback

Tony here. First and foremost a huge Thank You to all of you who given me your support, the amount of love out there has been phenomenal. My family, everyday friends, the paddling community and people I have not seen or heard from in years coming out of the woodwork and buoying my spirits with words of strength, love, humor and support. The past 10 days have been incrediably challenging and I know that I have a long road ahead. I plan to take the challenges head on and overcome the obstacles thay lay ahead. It will not be easy.
For many of you who know me it is probably suprising that this is my first amputation, I mean I have crashed a lot of different craft in my time. Motorcycles, rafts, kayaks, bikes, snowboards, kites, ect.. I have had pretty spectular wipe outs with all of these. Accidents are accidents though and when your number is up there is not much to do but move forward and make the best of a bad situation. I am super bummed about my situation but I realize that dwelling on the past or on coulda/shoulda/woulda bullshit will not get me my hand back. Instead I am choosing to look ahead and focus on how I am going to adapt to my new world.
My arm is getting tired from typing so I am going to sign off for now. I do want to Thank You all again and let you know you support has been remarkable, please keep it coming, I need all the love I can get right now. Love Tony

Monday, September 28, 2009

Out of surgery and ready to do some snackin'....

The relief of seeing my husband being wheeled back to his room is just about as good a feeling as getting off a roller coaster. Your heart is pounding and the giddy feeling you get is unparalled to anything else. All of us in the waiting room listen and hold our breath as you see the handsome doctor coming through the doors to tell you your husband/son is alive and breathing in post-op. After the doctor tells us all is ok we furiously pick up our cell phones to text all the loved ones to tell them the good news. This is when you breath deep and know that someone is looking after you from somewhere else.
At this point, the surgery went well and although his arm is a bit traumatized, they have closed up the wounds and the doctor will check on it Friday. At that point if all goes well, we can head to a hotel and then check in with the doctor. The wound is closed and the infection is under control so keep thinking positive thoughts. Ken and Patti are out buying Tony all kinds of snacks as he hasn't been able to eat in 24 hours so he is starving. Missy, Tony is very excited for the Snuggly and I can see that I will trying to take that over really quick! Who doesn't want a blankey that is really a house coat?! I do! I do!

takin' out the blocker and some football watching...

Yesterday Tony had a little football party in his hospital room with his dad Ken, Warren and Amber while I got out for a few with the ladies. I think that doing things like that make him feel so good and that things are going to be ok and move forward.
This morning I didn't think twice of throwing on a scarf and I honestly thought that really snazzed up my sweatpants to a high fashion level for heading to the cafeteria for coffee and some computer time to get folks updated on the morning. Last night after Bree and Shay stopped by to say goodnight, fawn over Tony and kiss him on the forehead (lucky guy) he got a text from Brian before bed. We sat and talked for awhile about how lucky we are. Tears came into his eyes (which made me want to make it all ok, but I held off) and he spoke about how loved he feels with all the support around him and how suprised he is by this. Why he would be surprised I don't know as Tone Loc may be one of the nicest and sweetest men on the planet not to mention he looks like a male model..... I am also overwhelmed by the love and even no one wants to hear "Oh, things happen for a reason..." I know they do and we are learning throughout this process that we are some of the luckiest people in the world. Not only do we have some of the most amazing family, but our community is also like our family and this is teaching us the value of that. For something tragic like this to happen and have people who have been constantly praying for us and thinking about us every second is changing both of our lives daily. We live a good life (even if we do have to struggle sometimes to live where we live and do stupid things sometimes), good friends and a support system that cannot be compared to anything I have ever really heard of. Tears are streaming down my face here in the cafeteria as I write this and think of you all.
Thank you all for everything and keep sending good thoughts all day as surgery days are the worst for him and for me as we are just waiting waiting waiting to go in and he can't have any food or water which depletes his energy....Also, you should all check out the looks super cool and Tony can feel like Robocop!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A post from Tony!!!

Hello All! I have never been great typing but this 1 hand thing is going to take some time. First off, Thank you all for you support! I was in a Rhino ATV that rolled over, I was a passenger and had my right hand on a metal grab handle when it rolled. I have lost most of my right hand, but I should have use of my wrist and may have a stub of a thumb. I do happen to be a lefty, so i got that going for me. I spent the last week in Denver ICU, i have been through 4 surgeries and have another monday, hopefully the last for a while. I am out of ICU and in a regular room. This has been and will continue to bethe biggest challenge life has ever thrown me, I am trying to look at the positives, i have my legs, i have my mind, i have the best support on the planet from all of you, my wife Tina, my family, and my determination. I know I have a long road but i am still here and i will boof again!Thank you all, I will be on her updating more. Thank you all! Tony Miely 4CRS

walking in the sunshine...

As I walked along Cherry Creek this morning, the sunshine was glimmering of the river and of course all I could think of was Tony in his hospital room and how long it would take him to get back on the river. Last night Tony had a good night here in the hospital room and we both slept ok. We are now getting used to the routine of getting in and out of bed to use the restroom and taking spins around the nurses station.
Its funny how life can just change so quickly and how one re-adjusts to what needs to happen to move forward. I am just so hoping that tommorrw goes well and we are on the road to recovery....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

early evening and a shower!

Wow, who would have thought a shower would be so fanatstic. That is what it must feel like for mothers with young covet a shower and a shave so much....Tony woke up this morning after a really long night of intense pain as his first machine was missing a pump (for his instant relief) and after a couple hours of that being located the blocker was then not working and it wasn't until 5 am that he was finally pain free and slept until 7:00am. It was so fantastic sleeping in the same room with him last night and being able to sit up, look across the room and see his face was so good for my heart. Being the kind of guy that he is, he kept telling me he was sorry for all the commotion waking me up, which made me want to cry. I assured him that I was not sleeping in the hotel room and would rather sleep in the same room as him. Today was a good day as Partner scooped me out of the hotel room at 8:00 to get a massage and took me out for an Eggs Benedict. She really loves me and showed me through Hollandaise this morning.
The boys are in the hotel room now and we are meeting Bree and Shay for a light dinner then back to the hotel room for some sweet cuddling with my baby....

Friday, September 25, 2009

made it out of surgery...

Bree had made it with Brian Scarpella and we are now all here to support Tony as much as possible. He has made it out of surgery but will have to go back in on Monday for some additional skin grafts. So far, the infection has not spread but keep sending good thoughts! We have to rush back to the hospital by 9 pm so sorry can't update more, but have to run. I am now able to sleep in the room with my baby and wake up each hour to just look at his face. He looks better after surgery than before so go figure!
Thank you all and I will try to update again in a little while.

painfully waiting...

Sitting in that room waiting to go into surgery may be just as bad as sitting in the surgical waiting room. I am not sure which is worse. I was successful in my attempt in breaking in early only to sit from 9:30 until now waiting for the surgeon to come and get him. As I sat there, Tony was increasingly getting worse. It is like watching the sand slowly dropping through the hourglass (not in the Days of our Lives kind of way but in a miserable way) and that is exactly what it is like seeing his energy being sapped from his body. Each surgery day seems to take a little bit more out of him and also robs me of my strength. His stomach was hurting and he was sweating so I called his mom back in (she is a hospice nurse) so as to help me monitor his signs and see what we would need to ask the nurses on duty. As I sit here waiting for Luke to come back from his short escapade to REI to pass the time, I sip on an MGD (say goodbye to no medicinal alcohol...that surely seems to have passed...I may as well have one of those plastic hard hats that sit on your head that holds two beers and you use a sippy straw so you can booze it anytime you want) and think about how one week ago, we were just getting to the lake and the Lombardos, Tony and I were loading up the boat for some good old fashioned tubing and wakeboarding. How poorly that night ended.
We are now in the waiting game again, and this time it is not in hopes of keeping fingers or a hand, but in hopes that the infection hasn't spread and Tony can move forward and learn how live with just his left hand (thank god he is a southpaw) and regain his strength and spirit. I am trying hard to be strong, but am snapping at people and trying to hold it together when really I want to lay on floor and just cry until there in nothing left inside. How did this happen? How did I get here? When have I ever wanted to write a blog and tell everyone how I feel inside? Life can change so fast you just never know when it will so you have to be ready at all times I guess.

thank god for Ambien...

Slept through most of the night despite a GIANT thunderstorm that shook the hospital and I am thanking the doctor that discovered Ambien. The surgery today was swirled throughout my dreams and I woke up at 6:30 thinking of all the changes that have come so quickly. At 7, my phone beeped and it was Tony texting me (that was a first!) telling me he wanted me to bring a razor today and he was excited as he just walked around the ICU with his nurse Mike this morning. My spirit was immediately lifted and the thought of my baby out of bed made my heart soar with excitement.
Throughout this whole week, I have failed to mention Scott Frazer. In my heart, I know that if Scott had not been camping with us, Tony would maybe not have made it. With his strength and calm, he not only loaded Tony into his truck, calmed and spoke with me, but drove like a bat out of hell (in a safe way of course)to meet the ambulance. Scott was a rock in a time that I was really like wild-eyed rabbit running back in forth not knowing what to do. I will always remember that night and the horror of it all, but also I will remember his calm and strength from that night...thank you so much Scott for saving Tonys life.....
I am so looking forward to this surgery being over and hopefully getting a better idea of the infection in Tonys arm. Bree will be driving up today which I am so looking forward to...having her at home taking care of EVERYTHING has been fantastic, but as I am sure you all know, we are so often together that it feels as though a part of me has been missing. I cannot wait to collapse in her arms and cry my heart out. It seems as though there is only so much crying you can do with family and then you see a friend and it all surges up all over again. She is taking me to get a massage tomorrow which I am just so elated by and has promised a few glasses of wine and some trashy magazine reading. Those of you that know me well would be shocked that the wine consumption has been zero and there has not been any medicinal boozing this week. I am going to go try my hand at sneaking in ICU again this morning. I just pretend the rules don't apply to me and I hope for the best! Good thoughts to Tony this afternoon to have a good surgery....

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Survivor and The Office from a stiff hospital chair..

Hello from a bleak hotel room...
Just returned from a long visit with Tony where I hid in the room when they did a visitors check and was able to stay through the 6-8:30 visiting hours with help from a sweet nurse. She assured me that I was posing no threat to the rest of the ICU whereas the gangbanger next door who was stabbed last night may be a bit more pesky than a middle aged gal who was super stoked to watch Survivor with her one handed husband on Must See TV.....the day was good today with both of Tonys sisters coming to visit which brought his spirits up...I also was able to get a hold of Tonys ex-girlfriend Julie (who lives here in the area) and she came in to visit him which was nice also. Luke, my mom and I snuck out mid-afternoon to go to a funny movie and I was itching in my seat until I could get back to the hospital to swab down my baby's forehead with a wet washcloth. Tony is in good spirits, but knows that he has to go in for surgery tomorrow around noon so that is looming over his head. When Dr. Ipachtki (pronounced A-Pach-Kee) (who is easy on the eyes as Patti and I discussed the first day) came to change his dressing, he said Tonys' arm was looking good. This of course, is all relative, but it certainly looked better than when I saw it the other day and it looks like a regular arm just missing a hand. The reality of this is really hard for Tony, but he really is the strongest person I have ever met with a best friend at his side and family that is just as amazing as he is. It is an ugly truth, but we will all get through this together through bad days and good and it will certainly make us all so much stronger as people and as a family. God I love that man.


I just left the ICU and Tony was about to take a nap. I snuck in a bit early this morning and faced off with a desk gal who was not very excited about me deciding to take hours into my own hands. Today was the first day that they moved the bed and he was able to sit up and relax a bit. He said that last night was the first night he had a good night sleep which was fantastic. Luke, Ken (his Dad) and I were all sitting in the room with him last night when the nurse came in with a smorgasborg of evening drugs for him to pick from like candy....Ambien, Percoset and the like...he of course will only take the minimum and we all put our hands up to see if we could scoop up the leftovers. No go. Luke has been busy on the phone with prothetic experts and I can see his mind has not stopped in trying to figure out a way for Tone to hold a paddle in his hand...I figure if anyone can get that going it will be Luke.
I was glad to have some time with him this morning to hold his hand (the one still there of course....) and just have some time with my baby. He is on the waiting list for a new room now where I can stay with him all the time which would be so fantastic so everyone think positive thoughts for him to get out of the Intensive Care Unit and into a normal room....

The mornings are the toughest.

I woke up every hour last night and the would check my phone just to make sure something didn't happen. Each time you hear a siren go by, your heart pounds and I would wait for quick footsteps to be coming towards my door so I could be ready to hear news that something awful has happened in the middle of the night and I need to be strong.
Thank god this never did happen and each time I woke I fell back asleep. Finally by 7 am, I can't stand it another second and get up to make coffee. This is now when I have to wait until 10 am to see him so the seconds tick by excrutiatingly slow.
Today should be a good day as there are no surgeries scheduled for today so we can just relax and start working on dealing with some insurance issues. His sister Jenny and her family will be coming in today and I think that will be good for Tony to see her.
What we are hoping for today is the doctor to come and take a look at the situation, tell us it looks good, re-wrap it and prep it for surgery tomorrow. What we are hoping for then is for them to open up the cut, wash it out, finally close the amputation and say, "Guess what? You can start healing and we will move you out of ICU...." That would be the best as then I can stay with baby all night long..
I am sure this is getting real, real boring for you guys to read, but it helps me move through my days and move forward. Thank you again for all your support and love.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hmmm...its not actually Friday but Wednesday!

I have just left the hospital and Tony is in good spirits. He is ready to face more than should be handed to him with a smile and as sense of humor (Tina, just think of the good parking spaces I'll get now!). His strength is amazing and I am now more inspired by my husband than I ever could have thought. I am about to pass out and am already anxious to see my baby in the morning!
Thank you again for ALL the continued support. I cannot believe we are so lucky to have you all in our lives....


I just want to let everyone know I did just see Tony and it was for just a brief few minutes in post op. He is in such good spirits and is quite possibly the strongest man I have ever met. I blubbered like a baby in the hallway then sat myself down in the ICU waiting room. Luke, the strong presence that he is, has been calling various doctors about different kinds of prothesis ideas for paddling and mtn biking (as that is all Tony is asking about...) and spoke at length with a gentleman who specializes in that here in Front Range. After that, Luke and I sat for a bit and he talked me through some different ideas and told me that we have to be strong and ready for as many surgeries as it may take to save as much motion and wrist as possible for Tony. Armed with Lukes strength, I went into the post op room to see T. He was so strong and knows exactly what is going on and is ready to take on whatever is nesessary to heal himself.
I knew when I married him that he was one of the most amazing people I would ever meet and seeing his handsome face and faint smile gave me all the strength I needed to get through the moment as well as the rest of the day.
He is now resting in ICU and I will be able to go back and sit with him for awhile later today. Thanks to each and every one of you for all your love, support and donations as we have no idea how long we will be here or how much this will cost us. The donations you are sending have allowed me to not even have to think of money at this point and I cannot thank you enough for that gift.
love to all-

Wednesday Surgery Update

Hi All.
I have just heard from Tina and the Miely family.

The update not is not what anyone had hoped for.

Tony was in for surgery this morning starting at 7:00 a.m. and they have just spoken to the doctor, surgery was approximately 2 hours longer than expected.

He has an infection in his arm that they are monitoring closely and they are hoping it doesn't spread through his body to become more threatening. Infections can spread quickly through his bloodstream.
When they found the infection during the amputation surgery today, they took samples that have been sent to a lab for testing.
The best case scenario is they can treat it, and continue with amputation at the wrist, it is possible that they will have to amputate further, and the worst case scenario is that it can spread and become much more threatening.

More updates will follow as I hear more, right now the prognosis is not as good as anyone would like.
Please continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

This is such a heart felt tragedy, we are all hoping for some good news soon.


Third and hopefully last surgery

Good morning to everyone-
It was a long night waiting for Tony to head into the OR again this morning. We are all hoping that this will be the last one for quite some time. We are hoping that he will come through this and understand the loss of his hand and start to heal. As of tomorrow night, I will be able to stay with him in his room which I cannot wait for. Our support system is fantastic not only here but all over.
Laying in bed knowing your husband is heading in for a third surgery may be the scariest thing I have ever done. I have never felt so scared in my whole life, but I know we can get through this together.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

nighttime at the hospital

Hi everyone-
Luke Hanson and I are sitting with Tony tonight watching some good tv before his surgery in the morning. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is sending good thoughts and supporting us through this whole process. I cannot thank Luke enough for being here for us throughout this whole process as we surely needed it.
Tony is in good spirits and we are hoping all will go well in the morning and by the afternoon we will begin the healing process. I am not sure when we will be back in town, but I will keep updating as things progress. We also want to thank Bree Adamian for EVEYTHING she is doing for both of us as we could not get through this without her. Love to you all and send good thoughts our way.

Night before Surgery and Contact Information

Thanks for your responses and support.

Tony will go into surgery tomorrow morning about 7:00 in the morning and I am told it should last about 5-6 hours.

Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a restful and pain free night and strength in the morning. Updates to follow after I hear from Tina and family in the early afternoon.

A lot of folks have wanted to send cards and things to the hospital, since we don't know how long he will be there, to be sure he receives any cards or anything, they are best sent to the two addresses below.

How you Can Help.

It is Tuesday, September 22.
Tony is still in Intensive Care and is preparing for surgery tomorrow.
Here are some ways you can help the Miely's.

An account has been set up at Bank of Colorado:
Helping Hand for Tony Miely
Deposits can be made at the bank or if you would prefer to send a check for deposit.
Checks can be made payable to Tony Miely or Tina Miely and you can send to the following places:

4 Corners River Sports
Attn: Andy Corra
360 S. Camino Del Rio
Durango, Colorado 81301

Coldwell Banker
Attn: Tina or Bree
785 Main Ave.
Durango, CO 81301

There is also an electronic way to Donate for the help of Tony directly on this website.
It is through paypal and is a secure website.

The Miely's appreciate all of the love and support of their friends and family. Tony has a long road of rehab and recovery ahead of him. They are staying positive.
Updates will follow after tomorrow's surgery.

Monday, September 21, 2009

...The next step

As of today, Monday September 21, 2009, the second surgery did not take.

The doctors have preliminarily scheduled the next surgery for amputation for Wednesday morning, September 23, 2009.

Tony is physically feeling better and will have a lot to work through. Please continue to pray for his quick recovery.

We are still working on setting up a fund and will update the blog when we are able to do so.

We will also include contact information.

**I have just created this blog to keep everyone informed, if anyone would like to add any more detailed information for people to see please let me know and I can give you the password information. I am trying to keep up with details but am sure some are missed here and there. Thanks Bree Adamian

Friday, September 18, Accident

As some of you may have heard, Tony Miely was in a horrific accident on Friday, September 18, 2009.
A large ATV was rolled and crushed Tony's right hand and severed it from his arm.
He was sent by ambulance to Mercy Medical Center where he was treated in the Emergency room and then flown to Denver, where he is now receiving treatment at Denver Health.
Tony began surgery around 3:30 am on Friday Night/Saturday Morning and did not get out of surgery until 6:00 pm on Saturday. After a 13 hour + surgery, skin graphing, complete hand reconstruction and the re-building of his right hand, there was hope for Tony to have 3 operable fingers.
As Sunday rolled around the blood flow was not moving to his fingers and he was forced to go into another surgery. This second surgery was approximately 8 hours and has taken its toll on Tony's physical health and there still is not much new news or progress on possible amputation or the use of his three middle fingers.
We are creating this blog to keep all of Tony's friends and family informed as to the progress of his surgeries.

Tony's wife, Tina Miely and his parents Patti and Ken are all with him in Denver.
He has a huge support group of family and friends cheering him on and keeping his spirits high.

We are working on creating a Benefit Fund account for Tony and will keep everyone posted on how they can help.

In the meantime please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy and healthy recovery.