Friday, November 27, 2009
Thanksgiving Healing Picture
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Just the other day I woke up and realized the holidays were not just looming upon us, but are actually here. It feel as though it was just the other day that I was walking back and forth from the hospital to my hotel every day and before I knew it, I was dragging Christmas decorations out of my attic and laying them out for review. With our attic being the size of a bowling alley, it seems as though there are more and more boxes filled with "treasures" each year. The stair case is a pull down situation and is a treacherous feat even with two hands and a fully healed body. As I thought about pulling the staircase down and was calling to Tony, I realized how difficult this years holiday chores would be. Usually, Tony goes up and kind of hands the boxes down to me, and I grab them and hope to safely land them on the ground. This year it was going to be a bit different and I wasn't looking forward it. I climbed the wobbly staircase and ventured to hand down the first box....Tony reached up with his one hand and balanced the box filled with matted looking garland and eased the mildewy smelling box to the ground. We proceeded this way for some time until we both took at look at the 9 ft. tree still in its box with sale pricetags from the previous year clinging to its dusty sides. We kind of looked at one another and at the same moment said, "Maybe we can wait until Bree comes over to help with this one."
We both realized that things that we used to take for granted are not quite gone, but are certainly different in the way that they are handled. Your perspective on things is altered and life shifts in different directions. People you would have thought to be right by your side are not and ones that you never suspected cared so much have lent more than a shoulder to cry on. For the most part, we both feel fortunate for not only our such dear close friends and family, but that the hand we were dealt (wait...guess I can't use that one anymore can I? I just made myself chuckle a bit....) was not more of a severe blow to our life. With happiness for one another in our hearts, we look forward to each new crossroad as an adventure in our lives together whatever hand we are dealt....(I couldn't resist that!)
We both realized that things that we used to take for granted are not quite gone, but are certainly different in the way that they are handled. Your perspective on things is altered and life shifts in different directions. People you would have thought to be right by your side are not and ones that you never suspected cared so much have lent more than a shoulder to cry on. For the most part, we both feel fortunate for not only our such dear close friends and family, but that the hand we were dealt (wait...guess I can't use that one anymore can I? I just made myself chuckle a bit....) was not more of a severe blow to our life. With happiness for one another in our hearts, we look forward to each new crossroad as an adventure in our lives together whatever hand we are dealt....(I couldn't resist that!)
Friday, November 20, 2009
Denver doctors visit...
Tony and I headed to Denver this past Monday to see a two different doctors (as well a
Tonys is healing both physically and mentally. His arm as well as his leg skin grafts are healing quite nicely and he has begun to run a few days a week. This is a new sport for Tony, but like everything else, he will be a fantastic runner (out running me for sure) quickly. We were able to see our good friends Ben and Maaike for dinner on on Tuesday which brought smiles to our faces and warmed our hearts. Not only in Durango do we have such a wonderful support syst em, but it seems we have friends all over sending love and support our way. This has helped more than I can say for us to move forward and begin to learn how to live this new life we have. It is the small things that we are challenged with (having to swap out all of our vehicles for automatics!)but we are getting through them together with friends and family.
Again, thank you to all who continue to support and love us across the country!
a band!) which was just so fantastic. We met with a new prosthetics doctor on Tuesday as well as met with Tonys surgeon that afternoon. Both were very impressed with how well
Tonys is healing both physically and mentally. His arm as well as his leg skin grafts are healing quite nicely and he has begun to run a few days a week. This is a new sport for Tony, but like everything else, he will be a fantastic runner (out running me for sure) quickly. We were able to see our good friends Ben and Maaike for dinner on on Tuesday which brought smiles to our faces and warmed our hearts. Not only in Durango do we have such a wonderful support syst em, but it seems we have friends all over sending love and support our way. This has helped more than I can say for us to move forward and begin to learn how to live this new life we have. It is the small things that we are challenged with (having to swap out all of our vehicles for automatics!)but we are getting through them together with friends and family.
Again, thank you to all who continue to support and love us across the country!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Running can hurt ones legs....
The snow is falling outside and the flakes are the size of baseballs here in Durango. It is just so pretty I don't even know what to do. This has been such a good week for the two of us and we are moving forward in such positive steps. Tony has been at work at least a few hours everyday and his pain level seems to be decreasing each day. As time passes, we are both learning how to live this new life and to take joy in the life we have been given. Knowing how bad things could have been and what kind of changes could have easily been handed to us, we are thankful each day.
Our friends across the country and support here in Durango is overwhelming and brings tears to both of our eyes often. The way the community has sort of rallied around us, calling, planning benefits for Tonys prosthetics, checking in and asking how we are is simply amazing. Many of our friends from around the country have discussed coming out for the benefit to support us and I cannot even say how much that means to us. My business partner, Bree has worked non-stop allowing me time to be home with Tony as much as possible and his partner at work has been doing the same. These selfless acts bring tears to my eyes as I know that in this economic climate, it is not easy for anyone to say the least.
We are flying to Denver on Monday of this week to meet with some prosthetic specialists and Tonys surgeon (and catching an early show for some fun!) and hoping to know a little more about how to proceed with the idea of a prosthetic. We are not sure how long this will take, how many fittings, or honestly anything about prothetics so it will be fantastic learning experience.
On a lighter note, Tricky Kitty (my all girls band) has found a guitarist and we are starting to ramp up our practice schedule for January 9th! So much fun!!
Our friends across the country and support here in Durango is overwhelming and brings tears to both of our eyes often. The way the community has sort of rallied around us, calling, planning benefits for Tonys prosthetics, checking in and asking how we are is simply amazing. Many of our friends from around the country have discussed coming out for the benefit to support us and I cannot even say how much that means to us. My business partner, Bree has worked non-stop allowing me time to be home with Tony as much as possible and his partner at work has been doing the same. These selfless acts bring tears to my eyes as I know that in this economic climate, it is not easy for anyone to say the least.
We are flying to Denver on Monday of this week to meet with some prosthetic specialists and Tonys surgeon (and catching an early show for some fun!) and hoping to know a little more about how to proceed with the idea of a prosthetic. We are not sure how long this will take, how many fittings, or honestly anything about prothetics so it will be fantastic learning experience.
On a lighter note, Tricky Kitty (my all girls band) has found a guitarist and we are starting to ramp up our practice schedule for January 9th! So much fun!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
First day on his Cruiser bike!

I took this picture on Saturday morning before Tony and I took a little bike ride along the river trail here in Durango. If you check out the right side you will see he has rigged up a "cup" type of thing to put his arm into for steering and his buddy welded a piece that fits onto his handlebars.
We rode for a few miles before turning around heading back to Four Corners. It was fantastic for us to be outside together riding bikes!
Friday, November 6, 2009
moving forward
This has been a good week for Tony and I. His sister Jenny came down and it was so nice to have her to ourselves for three and a half days! She cooked and cleaned and spent a lot of time with Tony allowing me to go to work and band practice and not have to worry to much about him. We have gone down to every other week for doctors visits which is fantastic and Tony is at physical therapy twice a week now working on getting some motion back in his wrist. There is not a ton of movement there and it has been a little frustrating for him, but we are getting there slowly but surely. After meeting with another fellow here in town who also lost his hand and part of his arm in an accident, Tony was inspired and I think he left that meeting with fresh hope in his soul which of course, makes me happy and makes my heart sing. This gentelman, Rich, showed him how he has his mountain bike set up and gave Tony all kinds of encouragement and hope that indeed he would be back doing everything he loves doing in just a few short years.
We are both very excited for the benefit party being held here in town at Ska Brewing on January 9th and it seems as though there may be quite a few folks showing up for it from out of town so that will be very exciting (even if it is a bit overwhelming!). My all ladies band Tricky Kitty is getting all geared up for this event as it will also be our first "concert" and we are just so excited for it to be for Tony. He is still the hottest guy in town that all the ladies love!!!
We are both very excited for the benefit party being held here in town at Ska Brewing on January 9th and it seems as though there may be quite a few folks showing up for it from out of town so that will be very exciting (even if it is a bit overwhelming!). My all ladies band Tricky Kitty is getting all geared up for this event as it will also be our first "concert" and we are just so excited for it to be for Tony. He is still the hottest guy in town that all the ladies love!!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Jenny just got here!
So this past week, as you all read, was not a great week. I am happy that today is Sunday and that the week is just beginning again and we can start fresh. With bandages coming off, a fit being thrown over snow boots and the holiday on Saturday, we had our hands full with emotions flying all over the place. There were many tears shed and nights just waiting for a new day to start. Halloween is a particularly hard holiday for us not to take part in as we both love dressing up and often plan our costumes the year before. The year we got married, we had a huge Halloween wedding reception in Durango and had all of our friends and family dressed up celebrating our wedding day with us. So needless to say, this was a hard holiday for us, but we made the best of it and I cooked a fabulous dinner and watched scary movies.
Tonys sister Jenny drove down today from Gunnison to spend a few days with us pampering us with her wonderful cooking and fabulous promises to clean our house! We don't often get to hang out with her without the whole family around (whom we love very much don't get me wrong!) so this will be such a special week for us all. I think she is even going to come to our Tricky Kitty practice on Tuesday so she can rock out with us ladies for an hour or so. Lord, I hope this week is better than last is all I can say.....
Tonys sister Jenny drove down today from Gunnison to spend a few days with us pampering us with her wonderful cooking and fabulous promises to clean our house! We don't often get to hang out with her without the whole family around (whom we love very much don't get me wrong!) so this will be such a special week for us all. I think she is even going to come to our Tricky Kitty practice on Tuesday so she can rock out with us ladies for an hour or so. Lord, I hope this week is better than last is all I can say.....
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